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Tokyo Biennale 2020/2021

<Tokyo Biennale 2020 SOCIAL DIVE Artist-in-Residence Projects>

Photos: Tada (YUKAI)

When I sent my proposal to the open call, “Social Dive”, I didn’t imagine how things would go. The expectation to come and work with local groups was great, the excitement swelled. Then, Global epidemic stopped us all. Consumerism is also an epidemic, but its symptoms are not visible. How do the two epidemics connect? Did the long stay at home this year also make you wonder – do we have too many things? Could we release some? give away? donate? And so maybe free up some space or room that could have been significant during the long stay at home in quarantine. It happened to alot of families here in Israel. And that’s what I’m talking about. I invite you to do the process with me, I mean it has been adapted to the new world – and will be half online and half real. Ensures a sense of release, spiced with humor while participating in my new work (Dafna Talmon).


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Tokyo Biennale 2020 announces its resident artists for “Social Dive Artist-in-Residence Projects!”

Our committees reunited for final selection in Januray 2020. Out of over 1500 applicants from 91 different counties and regions, 12 artists/collectives are selected to join Tokyo Biennale2020.

Our selection comittee members were composed with Masato Nakamura (Tokyo Biennale 2020 General Director, Artist, Professor at Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Painting)
Kazuko Koike (Tokyo Biennale 2020 General Director, Creative Director, Director of Towada Art Center, Professor Emeritus at Musashino Art University)
Kiyoshi Kusumi (Director of Social Dive Project, Art editor/critic, Associate Professor at Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Tomoko Yabumae(Curator of The Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo)

The selected applicants are as below: (Alphabetical order)
Fiona Amundsen
Marco Barotti
Kerem Ozan Bayraktar & Buşra Tunç
Alina and Jeff Bliumis
Fei-hao Chen(陳飛豪)
Kray Chen
Ting-Ting Cheng
Rosiris Garrido
Michael Hornblow
Hildur Elísa Jónsdóttir
Pedro Carneiro Silva
Dafna Talmon

We would like to thank for all the applicants who were interested in our program and sending qualitied proposals.

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